Get Involved with NCNA
Full association meetings take place on the first Thursday of February, April, June, September and November.
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Frances B. Wyatt Community Center
Committee meetings and social events are spread throughout the year. See the calendar on the News page for upcoming dates and events.
All are welcome to participate in NCNA activities, events and initiatives. The main distinction is that only dues paying members can vote and serve as organization leadership. We would love to partner with other communities to work towards collective goals, and all are welcome at our meetings.
Membership dues are $10 / person each year as outlined below in the bylaws. You can pay at our meetings via cash or check, or pay here using this link.
Membership is detailed in section 3.04 from the bylaws: A voting member must be 18 years of age or older, owning or occupying property in the area for 30 days, and Association dues must be current. A member will receive one vote for the payment of Association dues. No individual person can have more than one membership, even if he or she owns multiple properties. Persons occupying the same address have the option to either have their own votes by paying separate dues, or can pay one set of dues and vote together. Likewise, landlords require a separate membership from their tenants if each would like to vote.