Bringing Play Streets to North Chattanooga
Many adults can remember a time when children spent more time outdoors, and neighborhood streets were filled with the sounds of kids playing. While we still see many children in our neighborhood today, kids are more likely to be in their own home, yard, or screen.
In order to encourage more outdoor play and community connection, The North Chattanooga Neighborhood Association is excited to announce our upcoming Play Streets initiative, a movement that temporarily transforms residential streets into safe, car-free spaces for play and community gathering.
The idea came from a book club that NCNA hosted earlier this fall to discuss The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. The book explores the detrimental effect of screens and social media on young people, and it delves into the huge benefits of outdoor play. More than 20 neighbors came to the book club, and nearly everyone agreed that their primary concern with their own children playing in our neighborhood is the danger of traffic.
What are Play Streets?
Play Streets are scheduled times when selected streets are closed to through traffic, creating safe spaces for children to play and neighbors to connect. This concept, already successful in cities like Seattle, Portland, and New York, represents a return to a time when streets weren't just for cars – they were extensions of our front yards and gathering places for our communities.
Why Now?
In recent years, childhood has undergone a dramatic shift. Research shows that today's children spend significantly less time in unstructured outdoor play compared to previous generations. This decrease in outdoor activity and face-to-face social interaction has been linked to increased rates of anxiety and decreased social development among young people.
Contemporary research, including recent studies on child development, highlights several concerning trends:
Children spend 50% less time in unstructured outdoor activities than they did in the 1970s
Average radius of play (how far children roam independently) has shrunk by 90% since the 1970s
Screen time has replaced much of children's free play time
Benefits of Play Streets
Play Streets offer multiple benefits for our community. In addition to mental and physical well-being for children, Play Streets also build community by fostering a greater sense of community safety and intergenerational interaction.
North Chattanooga’s Play Street event
The first step in planning our event is to seek a permit from the City of Chattanooga to close a selected street to traffic on a specific date. We have identified Boylston Street, between Colville Street and Beck Ave, as a potential location for the initial event. Because this stretch of road does not include any residences, it should pose minimal disruption to traffic flow (and it can serve as a wonderful test case for creating a public park in that vicinity!). The date of the event has not yet been determined.
We need your help!
We are currently seeking volunteers to help plan this event. Please let us know here if you are interested in helping out and/or staying in the loop on this event!
Remember, Play Streets aren't just about creating spaces for play – they're about strengthening our community bonds, improving our children's well-being, and making North Chattanooga an even better place to live.